Custom Yoni Steam Blend

Custom Yoni Steam Blend

from $8.00

Yoni steaming is a sacred ritual for women that spans several cultures around the world. As a certified Womb Sauna Practitioner and Community herbalist, I take pride in my efforts to respect and honor this ancient wisdom and tradition while helping women make a connection/re-connection with their womb. 

Women looking for a holistic approach may find ease from menstrual pain, postpartum and fertility ailments, menopause, PMS, inflammation, and overall stress.

Some benefits of steaming include:

- Regulating menstrual cycle and flow
- Ease PMS discomfort
- Promote circulation
- Improve fertility
- Alleviate pain during intercourse
- Supportive for menopause
- Relieves vaginal dryness
- Ease menstrual discomfort
- Helps heal some vaginal infections
- Helps with postpartum recovery
- Endometriosis improvements
- Improve PCOS
- Elevate Mood
- Clearer Skin
- Better sleep quality

I offer a custom blend for your yoni steam so that you are getting exactly what you need for your womb care needs.Please fill out the questionaire to the best of your ability and honestly, so I can provide the perfect blend that is designed just for you. I have a variety of herbs that will help many conditions. I incorporate genstones and flower essences in my blends to aid you in your womb healing.A Soulful Touch Wellness is here for you and your feminine needs. We are always here for questions!

What you will need to do your own steam:
1 liter of purified water
¼ cup of your custom Yoni steam blend
A pot
A heat source
steam chair (optional but preferred)

Safety: Do not steam during menstruation, if there is any fresh blood, after ovulation if you are trying to conceive, or while pregnant. Please remove piercings and Nuvaring before you steam.

For any questions contact us at [email protected]

This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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